Apply to start a DWeb Node
No DWeb node in your area? Maybe you should start one.
Local DWeb groups are run by passionate volunteer leaders whose goals align with our principles. It's a chance to gather like-minded people locally, to explore, collaborate, create opportunities to participate and share knowledge about the Decentralized Web and its principles. Read more about what it takes to run a DWeb Node here.
Here are some of the conditions you should consider when applying:
- Geographic location - Where are you based and in what area would you like to build a DWeb community? Typically it would be at the city level but it's possible it could cover a larger region.
- Purpose - Nodes are for establishing a local hub for conversations and networking around DWeb projects. They serve to educate, share knowledge, and connect people of diverse backgrounds interested in building a better web. They are not for companies to promote their products. Please consider who else in your area would be involved in this node.
Want to get started?
Get in touch with us to start a new Node by emailing dweb [at] archive.org. Please include the following information:
- Name
- Affiliation: org, company, university
- Location
- Website
- Names of other potential Node Stewards
- Please describe your DWeb project.
- Have you been involved in other DWeb events hosted by the Archive? If yes, please describe your experiences.
- Why do you want to start a Node in your area?
- Anything else we should know?
Other ways to get involved?
Attend an event, join a local node and help DWeb leaders grow the global community.